Apotheca By Anthia

Tuscan Herb & Spice Blend by Apotheca - large bag 100g


A classic Italian inspired blend of organic oregano leaf, basil leaf, marjoram leaf, and garlic granules.

For sunny, Tuscan dishes such as grilled and sautéed vegetables and meats; as a salad dressing over simple green leaves, steamed vegetables, sliced tomatoes, and in light soups, baked fish and tomatoey dishes.

Organic ingredients: oregano leaf, basil leaf, marjoram leaf, and garlic granules.

Be liberal and use 1-2 tablespoons per recipe.

Packaging: white bag with twist ties.

Note: Recipes found in "I am Food  - Eating your way to health" book by Anthia Koullouros and our 21 Day Seasonal Cleanse & Health Reset Online Programs.